Best Selling Author

Harriet Fox has been a writer since childhood. She would sit in her parents’ office and type out stories on the big heavy typewriter dreaming and creating. Let’s just say this is where it all started. Harriet also had a diary like Harriet the Spy. Over the decades, Harriet has written in many capacities including: penning a city’s newspaper column, a nationwide internet column, a few articles for an auto magazine, journaling, and blogging.
Harriet has had a double identity as a writer: as a woman embracing the journey of life documenting life lessons and as a correctional officer working within the walls of the institutionalized. Harriet found true crime writing in 2015. The Alcohol Murders: The True Story of Gilbert Paul Jordan debuted in December 2015, creating a newfound love of true crime for Harriet. The research process and delving into the investigating with her inquisitive mind was as fascinating as the writing about a serial killer. The Alcohol Murders made Harriet a bestselling author. Harriet wrote about the darkest world of women killers in 2017’s Wicked Women. She penned this book as a co-author using the pseudonym of Michelle Carmelo. She continued to find the crimes fascinating and began studying females and their patterns of crime. Harriet also has two stories in Justice Shall Be Served: An Anthology, which is a touching collection of stories shared by police officers, correctional officers, and military officers from around the nation.
Harriet is currently working on a book with Exposit Publishing on mothers who kill their children. The book will be published next year and Harriet is very excited about reaching the final stages of her writing. The title will be Mommy Murderesses. Harriet looks forward to more true crime projects and possibly taking a stab at crime fiction.